Thursday, April 30, 2009
left alone.. 7:22 AM
I have lessons at 10am today.. But I am already awake and blogging now. at 7.23am.
To bring my little brother to school.
Why not my parents bringing him to school?
Because they just left for Hong Kong. Hahahaha!
Yes. Despite the recent incident of swine flu, My parents, along with my godparents stick to their plans of going overseas. They had planned this trip like 2 months ago before outbreak of swine flu. Hence, according to my father yesterday, now "No government at home already lo." Or should I say, "I am the government?" Since I am the eldest at home now, I have to take care of my siblings safety, buy food for them, do housework, make sure we don't die in addition to my already-super-heavy workload from school.
Yesterday night was the funniest time I had in my life. My mother was so damn kan chiong that we will screw up things when they're not around. I told her: "Aiyo, relax lah. I am 18 already leh. not 8 years old. So let go already and just go play in Hong Kong." However, even after saying that, she still did lots of things that was damn funny. Alright, more on this later.
Yesterday was my Grandfather's birthday. We went to have dinner with my relatives. Like everybody came luh. I know I am supposed to be happy about my grandfather, but I can't help thinking about the GMP project that I have to rush for today. But still, here are some of the pictures!!

My grandfather and grandmother!!

The super dark coloured cake. Don't ask me how it tasted like, I didn't eat it. I don't eat anybody's cake remember?
Actually that's all for my grandfather's birthday because my uncle was behind me taking pictures with his sony C902. Still ask me why my phone like not clear like that. Obviously trying to show off his 5 Megapixel camera. Tsktsk. I know lah, Xperia camera not that good lah. 3.2 Megapixel only. And C902 is a cyber-shot phone. But whatever lo. -.-
After celebrating the birthday, confirm go home already. It's actually quite late already. Like 9pm. I kept telling my mom that I am going to use my laptop as my pillow soon due to late night project-doing in order to make her be less naggy and go home already. Lol.
Now at home. My mother is super-duper kan chiong that my siblings and I won't survive this 5 days. Yes, it is only 5 days. But actually quite long ah? Haha. So my mother started to prepare this, prepare that.
The first funny thing that she prepared...

Look at the clothes.

There's more.
My brother's and my clothing all the way from today until monday sia!! My mom is a super planner. She already planned what I am going to wear for the next 5 days. Go where, do what, for what. Hahahahaha! Seriously, EVERYTHING. Go school, at night sleep, go out. Nothing left out. Whoa!
I told her that I can take out my clothes when I need them. But she say she scared that I mess up the cupboard and she'll have to pack it again. So okay, let you be then. Above is the masterpieces, still got like 3-4 T-shirt she hung on my cupboard door I didn't take picture of. Super-funny.
That's not all people. She's also scared that we forget to do things that we need to do, like turn off the lights, forget to do this, forget to do that until... She wrote notes on paper and pasted them all over the house. Dots...

Lol. Like writing will like that right?

Part 2 of the will.

Front door also have. Ask me to remember to lock the door. >_>

Even the toilet isn't safe from my mom's stick-it.
Hahaha. They're seriously all over the place. It asks me to do things like, remember to buy food for my siblings, turn off lights, off the aircon, sweep/mop the floor everyday, remember to coker (lock) the door before going out. Coker is my mom's language for lock. LOL.
I also feel like a businessman, as I have 2 phones with me. My own, and my mom's. She wants me to take note if anybody calls her, even when she's going Hong Kong. -.- Hope I don't lose any of them, I no money to pay my mom, anybody willing to pay? Then I can lose it. Haha!!
Alright. That's it for now. I have to get ready to go to school already. See you all around =)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tomorrow is a better day... Or not... 8:31 PM
After whining everything about how GMP actually could kill yesterday, I thought the worst of a student's life is already happening and it wouldn't get anywhere worse. Then again, I was wrong.
I went to search and read up on some of the references online that Wallace gave us. There're 5 parts, 2 of which Wallace told us it's not important. Yay! Being a typical lazy student, the first thing I would notice is of course, the number of pages of the reference report. Part 1 is a ridiculous 43 pages!! They're full of words and minimal spacing in-between lines! You can imagine how much I hate GMP now. While reading it yesterday night, I discovered the non-pharmacological (No medication) treatment for insomnia!! And it is, read the GMP guide!! Guaranteed to make you fall asleep. Totally gave up reading at 1+ and go to sleep already, thinking tomorrow will be better.
Apparently the start of the morning was ridiculous as I was damn reluctant to get out of bed for some reason. Trying to get a doze whenever I could even if it's for 2 seconds. And I hit the wall. Owww.. Left the house a little late than usual and I suffered the consequence. Soooooo many people queuing for bus 15! %^@#%()^*%. Had to stand. But still tried to sleep. Hahaha!
As usual, the day was a draggy day, with so many lectures. Obviously lots of funny incidents happened too. After observing, I discovered something. How year 1, 2 and 3 students behave when trying to get to classrooms.
Year 1s: First year in school, Freshmans. So many things they still don't know. Always kan chiong one. Rush like the world's gonna end already. Act damn cool, probably cause they think they're cool because first time wear home clothes to school, super exciting and cool. Usually in big groups/bunch, alot of them waiting and squeezing at the 2 lifts to get to classrooms.
Year 2s: Second year in school, Juniors. Act even more cool, because there is 1 batch that is younger than them mah! Think they can bully already. However, they should think otherwise as children nowadays are over-nutritioned. They are damn tall and big for their age as year 1s. Not as kan chiong, cause workload not that heavy as they're used to it for a year already. They are usually in 2-6 people in a group. Being young and impatient to wait with year 1s for the lift, they just take the stairs to save time.
Year 3s: Final year in school, Seniors. (My batch). Wants to act cool because most senior in school, but due to the crazy workload, is unable to do so. Home in school = Library due to the amount of research needed to be done for projects. Usually alone or 3-4 people in a group. As they are seniors, they probably know like 85% of TP at the back of their hands. So their method of getting to classrooms? Opens another door and reveals the hidden cargo lift!! Example of people who does that, yours truly. Hahahahaha!! BHB =P
I just opened up another part of the GMP guide and it is a FREAKING 137 PAGES!! I seriously don't dare to open the third part already.. And there are still 2-3 more websites. I'm going to faint already. Who would save me if I'm drowning? =(
Anyway. Something new here. I have decided to reply tags on my posts in order to make my tagboard neater without my XJ. around. So here we go!
-Jasmine: You're welcome ! =) Continue to study hard! Your mids are coming!! Good luck!!
-Sherman: Haha. My phone is still exciting what. I do message her, but not as often. We're both too busy already.
-RYL: My princess, it is not I don't want to go to your school to see you. Is because when I finish school, you're probably at home or having CCA already. =( And I don't have wrinkles!! Or I won't be mistaken as a year 1 already =P
Monday, April 27, 2009
time is not on my side.. 8:43 PM
Time is definitely not on my side. So much to do, so little time.
I was looking forward to the first GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) lecture of the year. However, my anticipation turned into hatred at the end of the lecture.
I was running to lecture, because I was running late. Luckily, the teacher himself wasn't on time either and he was rushing. So didn't get scolding. Haha !
At the beginning of the lecture, the teacher introduced himself. His name is Wallace Lim, and he has been teaching for 8-9 batches already. He doesn't look old and looks very friendly. He also mentioned that it is fine just to call him Wallace. I think he will blend in very well with us if he goes out with us. He seems to enjoy teaching alot, and his lessons are not boring. He has a very interesting way of giving lessons and even told us to scrap off the 4 hours worth of tutorial everyweek off our timetable. "This is a great subject and a great way to start it" I thought.
While thinking that, Wallace showed the grouping for our projects on the visualizer. When I looked at my group, I went, "WTH?" I was in a group of 4 other girls, and I was the only boy, I don't know most of them. I don't really hate them or whatever, but working with people you don't know is still gonna pose some problems for me. In addition, this subject is too damn hard too.
Wallace informed us that there would be no semster exams for this subject. However, there would be 2 quizzes and 2 term tests. Term tests are usually 1 hour each. But Wallace told us honestly that his term tests are killers =/. He expects a 7 PAGE-LONG ANSWER for a 10 MARK QUESTION. 10 MARKS ONLY ! 7 PAGES ! Do you have any idea how much is that? Term tests are usually over 50. 5 questions of 10 marks each will need us to write (7x5=) 35 pages !! So i technically have to write a report in 1hr and a half !! What the hell ?! When asked about his previous batches results, he told us cheerfully: "Oh, it's alright. Around half failed term test 1, and more than half failed term test 2." O_O Now that scared me out of my seat.
Next was the report for project. He wants a 40 page report ! OMG ! I have never did a report so long in my life before luh ! Imagine the content you need to have for the report ! 40 Pages ! Ahhhhhhhhhhh !
I told you 100% PBL was a bad thing already. Look what happened ! =O. I finally understood my seniors feelings when Wallace told us that when he got his students MSN, they had nicks like "GMP sucks !" and all. Who wouldn't do that. And they ain't kidding about it being difficult as well..
I guess it's back to late nights and lack of sleep mode again. Just when I started to miss school during the holidays..
Sunday, April 26, 2009
9:12 PM
I'm at home now. Trying to blog while watching Star Awards.
Today is another boring rot-at-home day. Tomorrow is the start of a boring school week.
Mostly gamed all the today. Now I find it abit wasted.. Blah.
Yesterday I missed the chance on going to my cousin's KTV. According to my other cousins, they had fun and it's pretty good. So I have decided to go someday. Who wants to go? Maybe can go sing for free leh ! Hahahaha !
Don't really have much to blog about these few days. But Bryan asked me "Eh Xiangjie, Why your phone like so quiet recently ah? What happened?" I was like eh? Lol. Don't really understand what he's trying to tell me though. =/
I'm very proud to say that I did my PMT tutorial !! Hopefully I still will carry on to do the rest =)
OH yeah ! My great-grandmother has recovered. She's able to talk and look at us when talking to us. I'm glad =).
Saturday, April 25, 2009
weekends !! 10:18 PM
End of the first week, start of the first weekend.
This week was a a really bizarre week. It is the first week of school and lots of things are coming in, the new class, new modules, new friends, new teachers, new batch of year 1s.
What is different about this year with the past 2 years is that, the teachers are totally wasting no time at all with the final year students due to their tight schedule. It's project/assignment/lab work in the first week. Lessons straight on the first day of school and going into topic 3 by the second lecture. I am stressed out to the max. Everything is just pouring down and drowning me.. I can swim but in water, not books.
I miss my old class. With only 17 people. Although a small class, we never failed to have lots of fun everywhere. During PIA lab, during CSAS and even during PMIC lab. But I can't look back, can I? So I shall just sick to reality and get used to my current class. I'm quite happy in the class as well.. There are new and old faces and I don't really hate anybody in there, not sure about them though.. We'll see..
Mammalian cell tissue culture lab was scary yesterday. We had a life-and-death encounter as we were handling liver cancer cells. So one wrong step, and you're a goner. Scary ain't it? It was a fantastic experience though being able to work with things that are so small yet deadly.
Wanted to watch Handsome Suit today, but couldn't get the tickets. In the end, we watched 17 again despite people around me commented that it wasn't very good. After watching it, I found it alright and some parts were really funny. Lol. So money was well-spent and I still want to watch Handsome Suit, shall watch it one of these days.
I have been thinking.. Should I go for Overseas SIP? I feel like going, but I'm not sure if I will be able to take it anot.. Although my SIP is in the second semster, time flies and it is not going to wait for me. I have to decide soon and go forward with my decision. I can't possibly roll a dice or flip a coin to decide can I? I wonder...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
today.. 9:12 PM
Today was pretty cool eh. As said in the last post, I had PMT lab today. In the "spacesuit". Lol.
Honestly speaking, the suit is still as retarded as ever. We had to gown up (teachers said this) in the suit, face mask, hair net and shoe covers. Totally very troublesome. Also. The stupid hair net seriously flattened my hair. My hair was in a total mess when I removed the hair net. Arghhh.
Today's lab was quite fun. Although it make us look like doing home economics instead of being science students. We have to make granules. We used corn starch and making them into paste and lots of other things. Seriously look like cooking class. *A blur incident: We actually have individual lockers outside the lab to store our personal belongings like bag, other notes, handphone, wallet etc. Of course, being a locker, it sure got combination code to open it. Mr Chan gave us a piece of paper, giving us the instructions and combination code for the lockers and I blur-ly locked the piece of paper inside the locker without remembering the code. So of course I can't open it luh. Luckily, I still could get the code from Mr Chan again. Haha !*
However, the fun ended when Mr Chan informed us that we had a report to hand in by the end of the day though. So, straight after the lab was plain chionging and trying hard to finish the stupid report. According to the lab instructor, there was going to be a fire drill exercise. Hmm. What the hell? Abit weird eh. Temasek poly need to have fire drill exercise. This made us want to finish the report earlier even more. Because we don't want to get caught in the exercise !
Alright. Now for something stupid that happened to me again.
2 girls came up and asked: "Hi, are you year 1 students?"
"Eh nope. We're year 3 students. Sorry."
Can you believe it? It happened to me again ! Omg man. This is super ridiculous.. I think the worst is yet to come leh. Dots...
Oh yes. I met the girl who mistook me as her junior on monday. I thought she's gonna avoid me for sure. But I was surprised when she smiled and talked to me =o. I guess I don't look like that type that would ridicule people eh? LOL!
*And damn. I was so engross in talking that I forgot to ask her for her number !!"
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
coming back to reality.. 8:38 PM
Today is the 3rd day of school. In these few days, I realized lots of things.
Firstly, I am definitely still in holiday mood. As someone that is in his final year in poly as a science student, I actually was stunned when the teacher talked about CO2 (carbon dioxide). I forgot about it. I even asked my friend beside me. His reaction. Carbon dioxide =o? Whoops.
Secondly, being in year 3 sucks, to the max. Instead of slacking and going through the study guide slowly in the first week of school, teachers actually go: "Ah, the study guide. As year 3 students, you all should already be familiar with the rules and regulation. So I shall not waste time and go through it. Let's start topic 1." Out of nowhere, they also have the "as year 3 students" phrase just at the tip of their tongue. "As year 3 students you all should know this." "As year 3 students you all should have done this." "As year 3 students you all should...." Yes I know we're indeed year 3 students, but don't assume we know everything, memory do get worse when people age though (esp since it is after the holidays.)
Next, the year 1s. This current batch of year 1s, is like kan chiong to the max. Go everywhere also rush. Food court rush, lecture hall rush and even go toilet also rush. Tsktsk. I know I look like a year 1 lah. But at least be considerate and don't keep pushing and pushing when queuing for food leh ! You hungry? You think I'm not ah? Look at my timetable !
I have to see Mr Chan like for 11 hours for lesson everyweek ! 1 hour tutorial, 2 hours lecture on monday, 2 hours lecture on tuesday, 1 hour tutorial, 2 hours lecture on wednesday and a crazy 3 hours of lab on thursday ! It's not that I don't like him or what. He's a funny lecturer and he's intereactive. But it's just the subject (Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology) that is plain boring.. Zzz.
It's very ironic you know. Science is supposed to help save the world. But apparently after today's experience, I seriously wonder...
Went to meet Sherman at the computer lab as he was printing his notes after my tutorial at 10.45. When I reached there, he was already printing. I decided to wait for him to finish, then we go have lunch since I have to rot until 1pm for my next class. He prints and prints, like never ending.. Not his fault though, TP's fault. In the end, he printed a chuck of notes and it was like so damn thick a stack. *To see how much he printed, click the link over to his blog.* It was so much that he didn't have enough paper and had to buy a stack of 500 pieices. According to him, he believes that deforestation is happening because of BMT students and I kinda agree.. Lol. He only finished printing after like 1 and a half hours..
Had my very first lab session of the year today. In a new lab I never been to. Mammalian Cell Tissue culture lab. Nice name eh? Not when you're in it. You need to wear some ridiculous shoe cover OVER your shoes in it. It looks like fashion sense gone wrong in science students. Serious. Also, I wore the white colour labcoat that was dumped in my cupboard for 2months. I still look like a child scientist, according to my friends. >_>!
In the lab, we had to culture/grow tissue cells. Need to transfer this here, transfer this there. The equipment that we use is called the pipette, and the teacher said. "If you're unsure if you touched surface with the pipette tip, throw away the pipette and use a new 1. Also, only use the pipette ONCE." So for example if you need 50ml of this, and your pipette is 25ml, you will need to use 2.
Then, we have to have with us, ethanol wherever we go. I think all scientist's boy/girlfriend would be ethanol soon. Why? We will have to spray ethanol on everything to "clean" it. Before we start, we have to spray on our gloves. Before putting things into the workplace, you have to spray with ethanol on the surface and clean it with a tissue. Next, whatever you bring into the workplace, you HAVE to spray with ethanol as well. After you finish, you have to spray again. When everything is done, you have to spray the surface of the workplace again and wipe with tissue. Spray Spray Spray, the lab is so small that after awhile, the whole place smells of ethanol. They still can tell us ethanol is bad for health leh.
Tomorrow I have lab with Mr Chan. It is alright except for one thing. WE HAVE TO WEAR THE JUMP SUIT. Yes I said jump suit. Sounds weird right? Don't doubt it. It LOOKS weird as well. It's like a spacesuit. It is an overall covering from Head to Toe. In addition, need hair net, face mask, gloves and the shoe cover. Argh. It's gonna mess my hair up !! Ahhhh !!
*To a certain someone: What the fuck is this. You think I don't want listen to you talk for no reason? C'mon lah. Who gives you money so spend? Who gives you the house to stay? Who gives you the chance to even fucking blog about us? It's the person that you fucking give a attitude to. You can give him attitude. But as far as I'm concerned, he's my dad AND I RESPECT MY DAD. You say he's bias? He's one of the most fair people I know. If he's bias, you're nowhere better. What the crap is this for me not talking to you? Have I considered your feelings when I told you to shut up? As if you considered mine when you give me attitude in the past. Whining and treating me so well when I'm needed to do your homework for you. Then scream back in my face when I'm not of use to you? Mom is overboard at times but she's still your mom. I don't like her as well and you know that. But where would we be if there isn't her. If you remember, who was the one who stayed out at night teaching you spelling late into the night when you were young and can't get all right. Who was the one that always stood out to help you when I feel that mom was scolding you for no reason and getting himself into trouble instead. Who was the one that tell mom to be more relaxed with you and let you go out more often with your friends as you needed freedom? I didn't even go out with friends when I'm sec 2. Just home after school everyday. Think about it before you even want to blog about us. If you still think I'm a total crap and useless brother, then fine. I don't need someone like you in my life. Fuck off."
Okay. It is late already and I think I should stop for today. See you people around ! =)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Refreshed.. 8:34 PM
Say goodbye to lazying around at home and going out to have fun
Say hello to projects, assignments and late nights.
School reopened. I'm officially in my final year in Temasek Polytechnic.. as senior. =o
Lots of things happened today.. I'll start with the sad ones..
Haizz... The first week no tutorial and lab sessions doesn't seem to apply to final year students. Our lessons are like packed to the max. Zzz. There is also so many seminars and workshop for us. Tomorrow got this Overseas SIP Seminar thing for us at 12-2pm. This stupid thing pushed my lecture from 12-2pm to 4-6pm. I actually can go home at 2pm tomorrow. Now, it has become 6pm. Wednesday too. This friday.. I was supposed to have a free day.. BUT. Mammalian Cell Tissue Culture HAD to take it away. THERE IS LAB ON THIS FRIDAY ! AND IT'S FULL DAY ! 9-12pm ! Then 2 hours break, then 2-5pm !! OMG. I wanna cry already luh ! There goes my first perfect friday. This teacher with his accent.. It is so totally un-understandable that if I don't pass this subject and take it again next semster. *Choy Choy* I would probably forget how to speak singlish.
Now comes the funny part.. Firstly, Kairos. There was this part in the lecture notes.
"Liquid Nitrogen"
-Temperature of liq. nitrogen: -196 degrees C
- Major Risks: Frostbite (Cold burn), Explosion.
At this slide..
XJ:"Wow. Explosion.. Science is just way cool.."
Kairos:"Huh? What?"
XJ:"Look at the major risks, EXplosion..."
Kairos:"Oh that. Isn't explosion like.. the fun factor?"
Lols... Explosion.. fun factor ah?
Secondly. This is the super funny 1. At least to me..
I was gonna be late for the mammalian cell tissue culture lecture. But I didn't know where the lecture threatre was. I was running.. and I looked around for any farmilar faces that I know. So I think I looked panicky and like a first year. While I was looking around.. This girl and her group of friends were behind me. She came up and tapped me on my back. So it went like this.
XJ:"Erm. Yeah?"
Girl:"Hello! Are you lost?"
XJ:"o_O Hmm. Nope. I just don't know where my lecture is held.."
Girl:"Oh.. What course are you in?"
XJ:"Pharmaceutical Science."
Girl:"Oh!! I'm your senior ! I'm year 2 !"
XJ:"Eh? But I'm.."
Girl:"How do you find TP? Was your orientation fun?"
XJ:"*Being a nice person and she looked cute.. I answered her questions*"
Girl:"Oh.. Haha.."
XJ:"*Looks at the time.* Erm I'm sorry but I'm quite rushed for time so I have to go now."
Girl:"Ah okay. Byebye ! Good luck with your first day in the school!"
XJ:"Haha. Bye. By the way. I'm in year 3 already.. *Turns around and leave*"
*For people who don't understand my fastastic illustration skills. Just sit there, and Laugh. It's supposed to be funny.*
While walking towards ASc, I can swear that I heard her friends giggling. And she looked paiseh. Lols.. How on earth can this even have happened to me. Mistaken as a first year. >_>!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
ready? 6:57 PM
It's 6.56pm and I'm alone at home.
My dad and mom are at my godmother's house playing mahjong, and my 2 siblings are out with their godmother.
I am suffering from PSRS (Pre-School Reopening Syndrome). I can't concentrate, play games always die, feeling very panicky. Argh. I hate this feeling. Go away already. Yuck, I still want my holidays. I was looking forward to school before, but the disasterous timetable changed it all. =/
In addition, I went to a website that I haven't been going for the past 2 months.
From there, I got to know that all level 3 PST students have to go for this.. crazy mammalian tissue culture thingy lecture and it's COMPULSORY. And it's a freaking 2 hours !! AHHHHHH!
That changed my 3 hours break into 1 hour. Tsktsk.
Okay Xiangjie. Time to get back to reality. School is starting tomorrow. Yay! >_> Oh well. Who am I kidding right.
I am actually ready for school. I had a haircut, packed my bag (although it's quite empty..), got new stationaries !! Get ready for the new year and CHARGE for graduation !!
I can't believe it, but I'm actually taking out the labcoat that totally doesn't fit my appearance out of my cupboard ! It has been rotting there for 2 months also !
I realised that I haven't sweep and mop the floor. You see lah. I have to sweep and mop the floor like a househusband while my mom is playing mahjong. Wa lao eh. How many 18 year olds do that already man. She still can complain that I'm not good. I think the girl that marries me and becomes my wife quite lucky eh? Hahahahaha !
Oh and btw... My grandmother is just fine. It's my great-grandmother that is in hospital. So stop wishing my grandmother to get better.. Don't curse her leh. Lols !
*Countdown to School Reopening: What is there left to countdown?*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
it draws closer.. 9:58 PM
The day of school reopening draws closer as I type each letter on this post. This is the last weekend I'm gonna have as a year 2 student and of my holidays. Time sure flies. I was just overjoyed with the start of the holidays, and school is gonna start in 2 days already? Come to think of it, I remember 2 years ago I was still panicking over how to dress, what to bring for the start of school. I'm actually going to start my final year at Temasek Poly, whoa right. Ahhh. Whatever.
I'm quite confused over what I'm feeling now actually. Excited, sian-ed, happy, sad.. Hmm.
Excited because I'm gonna have new classmates and new batch of year 1s coming in.
Sian-ed because I need to look at notes and mug again.
Happy because I can see my friends again.
Sad because the end of my holidays is drawing near...
Hahaha.. Hmmm.
Emotions are such fascinating things right.
They make you smile, they make you frown.
They make you cry, and they can also make you go "wow!"
My great-grandmother is still in the hospital. She can be discharged already, but she has no place to return to. This is because her good-for-nothing useless son (sadly, my great-uncle) ill treated her so much that she doesn't want to go back living with him.
There is a high possibility that this fall my great-grandmother had is caused by his girlfriend. Yes girlfriend, XJ didn't type wrongly. Wth, girlfriend at this age? Does he think he's 21?
What is worse? He said: "She is old already, ask doctor give her injection and let her die lah."
WHAT THE FUCK is that? Why not I give you the injection and let you die? Tsk. Asshole. I swear I'm gonna give him a punch. His so called "girlfriend" is no where better.
"Why is she so stubbon. Just die already."
Eh. Whoever you are, you're in no position to say that. Not when I'm still alive bitch. I'm wishing very hard for my great-grandmother to outlive you. You're just a money-minded woman eyeing for the unfilial man's money (not like he has any to begin with.) So get lost already and leave my great-grandmother alone. Do not let me see you or I will make sure I wash your mouth with soap bitch.
I'm having a headache. A very bad one to be exact. Pre-school opening syndrome? Maybe eh? I don't know leh. Hope it gets better before school starts..
*Countdown to school reopening: 2 days.*
Thursday, April 16, 2009
disaster.. 8:47 PM
Yes. Totally. I have a super-duper-withoutadoubt-crazy disastrous timetable. Although it is not as bad as the BMT students (Not trying to laugh at them or what). To think I was hopefully for a four day week timetable. I guess life doesn't always go the way that I want it to.
Firstly. To heck with the school server. The stupid website ask me login login. I tried logging in for like 4 hours, keep telling me that "Page cannot be displayed". Waste my precious time.
Finally got into the server after hours of trying, but the timetable wasn't what I wanted. =/
Lessons everyday till late. Like 6 or 7. I think 1 or 2 days go home earlier. Zzz. Where got time to go out like that. Tsktsk. So many lab lessons. Friday is totally what the hell. Lab for the WHOLE DAY. 6 HOURS SIA ! With the same teacher somemore ! Ms Shahedah ! Yeah I'm fine with Ms Shahedah teaching us, but. 6 hours of lab.. Ain't that a little overboard? Yeah. Back to this. I'm still gonna complain. What the heck. Retarded man. APEL lessons are schedule from 6pm to 7pm. Aiyo. Waste time lah. Why are APEL lessons schedule this late?! I rather it be in one of my break times. Everyday got lecture, tutorial, lab, lecture, tutorial, lab. Somemore cGMP is 100% PBL(problem based learning) *faints*. Last semster's 50% PBL subject IPT and DDCT already killed me with their workload. Now, year 3 subject 100% PBL... I don't wanna think about it man. >_<
I have no complains about the teachers though. Miss Tan and Miss Shahedah are teachers who have taught me before, and they're good teachers so alright. Next is Mr Wallace. From Grace and other friends who know him, they think he's alright. So I'm not gonna worried about that. Last teacher is U Tin Lin. I don't know who is that, never heard this teacher before. Hopefully he or she is a nice teacher..
Argh. Hope I survive semster this semster... I don't wanna die so young.
*Oh yes. Congrats to Xue'er and TPJC dance people for getting gold with honours in this year's SYF =)*
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Rotting to the max.. 6:40 PM
It's a beautiful day... But, I'm rotting at home. Haha..
Been going out for the past few days.. So decided to stay at home today, to prevent mom from nagging me on how often I was going out. So yeah. *Rots away at home.*
Well.. I can't really complain can I? Judging that school is starting in like less that a week. I'm sure that this coming year is gonna be another hectic one for me and my classmates. I just hope that I would still have time to go out with my friends and have fun.
During this holidays I have been lazying around for days and days. Only going out when people ask me to. Pretty boring life ah. I wanted to work but can't find anything to work as. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough?
Being at home does have it's pros and cons.
Pros: I get to save money (which I'm having shortage on) from eating at home and with my parents.
Cons: I get pestered by my little brother to play with him. Lol. Just only somemore, play table tennis with me leh (Influenced by the table tennis TV drama. Hahaha.)
I want to go Tampines One mall ! I wanna go see how is it !! Who can ask me out there ?? Give me a msg or leave a tag leh. I'm too bored. School start I no time le leh.
Talking about tags. Cmon people, tag more often leh. No people tag, no mood to blog also mah. I don't even know anybody is reading what I'm blogging also right? So leave a tag please !!
*Countdown to school reopening: 6 days.*
Monday, April 13, 2009
Super exhausted. 8:01 PM
I'm super tired.
I have no idea how many hours of sleep i owe the sleeping god. In the past few days. I only had 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours. Was really moody these few days. So if I offend anybody around me recently, please let it be forgotten. It's time to pull yourself back XiangJie.
Like I posted. Didn't blog these few days as I was at Bryan's Birthday chalet. Happy 21st Birthday Bryan !
Saturday (11th April):
Met up with sherman, ys, qw and the rest of the gang at JJ. Kai rich luh.. Organize tournament. Didn't wanna join.. Cause no side deck and don't think can win also. Hence don't wanna waste 5 dollar. But was the judge of the day =D. Didn't have much problems from the players, although it's still a very good experience. Haha. By 4pm or so, we took bus to ehub to get to Bryan's chalet.
At there, Ron organized a F-O-C tourney. So, Play lah !! Hahahaha!! Although when the buffet come, everybody disappeared (Too hungry. Lol.) Lots of things done at the chalet. Playing, chatting, crapping, lazying around. The crowd started to go out by 10+ after the cake was cut. I decided to thon over, since go home too boring.
Here's the reason why I only slept 3 hours out of 48 hours. The night was totally out of the world. We only decided to sleep at 5am. Hahaha. There were like 8-10 people in the room. There are people playing deck, people like Guan Liang playing DJ max. And of course myself. How can anywhere be quiet with me around. Lol !! And surely, there are lots of other things that happened hahaha.. Despite that, I really enjoy myself with all the laughter with them. Hahas.
At around 7am, Everybody gave up the thought of sleeping and went to Mac to have breakfast. Haha.
Sunday (12th April):
Went back home to have breakfast with my parents, then made my way back to chalet. My mind finally gave up at around 2pm and fell asleep.. Woke up at around 5 due to the mahjong that people were playing. Lols. The group went to have KFC for dinner and Bryan went to play bowling. But me, ys, qw and gm went back the chalet to watch campus superstar instead. Lol. Strolled home after finish watching campus superstar.
Learnt 2 lessons after thon-ing.
The number 1 lesson. Must remember to have lots of sleep the day before thon-ing or will definately have withdrawal symptoms like I'm suffering from nao. >_>
The number 2 lesson. When thon-ing, MUST split up people who wants to sleep and people who do not want to sleep. For those that are sleeping, MUST split up those that snore and those that do not. Hahahaha.
Once again, happy birthday to Bryan !!
*Reminder: Countdown to school reopening: 7 days.*
Friday, April 10, 2009
Fuck off bitch.. 9:47 PM
I'm pissed.
I need somewhere to let off steam.
I feel like beating up somebody.
I feel like crying.
I feel like dying.
I'm at my limits. I'm gonna explode already. I say get out of my life if you're gonna treat me this way. I'm not your maid, I'm not your punching bag. I'm a human who has his rights.
So what you're my mother. So what you're older than me. I give you respect for bringing me up. But if brought me up just to screw up my life. Then i rather not be borned.
I can be a obedient son, or I can revolt against you. All these depends on how you have been treating me too. I get scolding for all things I didn't do. Since sis is the one than gives you attitude, then why the hell are you shooting me with your dumb language instead?
I would have left home or went against you if not for dad. Dad works hard for the family. To give us food, shelter and clothing. What have you done? Nothing. Just plain kpkb-ing every single day. Wrong, you kpkb. Right, you also kpkb. The thing that allows me to carry on in silence is the thought of dad and my friends. You're nothing. Just a figure. So, fuck off from my life if you're just gonna make me suffer.
I'm gonna forget about this, for the sake of the family. But make sure you never cross me again or else I will make you regret you ever know me.
*I'm probably not gonna blog for the next few days. Gonna be at Bryan's chalet.*
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Aching.. 9:13 AM
Ahhh. It's thursday already. So fast. 11 more days to school starts. I bet that it's gonna be a really busy semster ahead of us. The thought of being in year 3 already scares me.
I can't get to sleep still !! Argh ! This is lame. What I am experiencing is totally defying common sense. I'm like so tired. But I still wake up at 8+ in the morning. Zzzz. My whole body is aching as well, probably too much of shooting baskets at the arcade. >_>
Talking about the arcade, I made a promise to myself that I'll practice and get better at the basketball machine until I can get 700++. But ah. Through out the holiadys, I probably only achieved that once. The rest of the times are like. 643, 672, 688. $%^&^%^&*^%$.
Met some of my relatives recently.. and had a few incidents that proved to me that being in a science course is not good. Not good at all... It was like this. I saw my uncle and auntie.. After greeting them, they started on the usual nonsense.
Uncle&Auntie: "Eh Xiangjie! How is school?"
XJ: "Erm.. Now holidays. When school starts, I'll be in year 3."
Uncle&Auntie: " Whoa! Very fast hor. Last time still hear you take O level results only."
XJ: "Erm. Ya.. Very fast."
Uncle&Auntie: "You're in science course right?"
XJ: "Yes."
Uncle&Auntie: "What you all learn ah?"
XJ: " -.-''.. You all sure you wanna know?"
Uncle&Auntie: "Yeah Yeah."
XJ: "We study how drugs react to our body and how our body react to drugs. We have receptors on our cells and the drugs would bind to the receptors and induce...."
Uncle&Auntie: "EH? Why you talk until so chim! What receptor receptor? Don't go so chim leh!"
XJ: "This is the basis of everything. If this part also die. Paper sure fail le. >_>!"
Uncle&Auntie: "Crazy. Say until so much."
XJ: "Eh. Wth. You people are the ones asking me to tell you what i've been learning. Tsktsk."
*Uncle walks to me alone*
Uncle: "Hey Xiangjie. I ask you ah.. Why do drugs give side effects if it's used to treatment?"
XJ: "..................... You sure you want to know? Don't later scold me again."
Uncle: " Won't lah."
XJ: " Alright. As I said earlier, the receptors on the cells.. There are many many types. Some drugs are not specific to one type of receptor. So it binds to others as well. This would produce other effects and these effects are your side effects."
Uncle: "Ohhhh.. I see.. So smart. Next time be doctor already lah?"
XJ: "Zzzzz. Omg.."
Totally crazy luh. Ask me stuff.. Like I'm a genius like that. This is what the bad impression of science course give. To most people.
Being in science course = Smart, Hardworking, Geek.
Maybe some yes lah. But to me. It's a definite no-no. Hahaha.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Time passes.. *Edited* 7:38 PM
I'm feeling damn full nao. Because I just finished my dinner. My sibilings and mom are still eating.. And my dad is on the phone with his business client. I think I'm gonna explode soon. I ate too much I think.
Hmmm. Time really passes really fast. Doesn't it? I still remember the time that I was anxiously waiting for my O level results in the hall and trying hard to avoid getting caught by the discipline master for long hair.
This year, I would have already graduated from my secondary school for 3 years already. And on the 20th, I will be starting poly as year 3.. School is gonna start soon. But it feels like just last week that my holidays started.
Ah yesterday. The reason why I didn't blog early in the morning is because Grace wasn't online. Hence, I couldn't get the pictures of yesterday. She came on like.. 4-5pm. But I decided to blog only now because I'm too lazy.
**Edit: Oh yes. For those people who have known me since secondary or primary school, I HAVE GROWN TALLER ! Haha. I'm 1.71m already as compared to 1.5m at secondary four (Yes. It was THAT bad. Until even girls are taller than me. >_>!)**
Yesterday was really fun. Had lots of laughs, whining, war, everything. It feels just like being in school without the stress of assignments and projects or exams.
As from the previous post. I met Kairos, Shobana and Agnes at Bedok interchange at 1. We went Sheng Siong Supermarket to buy extra food. As usual, Kairos and Agnes were quarreling over what to get, what not to get. Lols.
Kairos: "Hmm. I don't think alot of people like crab stick. Let's not we don't get. Not nice one."
Agnes: "Ehhh. Nice to eat lor. I like crab stick ! So does Crystal. Buy !"
Kairos: "... Yeah lah. I don't know why Crystal likes it. But you, I know. You are CraP what. Crap Ball to be exact."
Everybody:" LOL! Hahahahaha!"

Kairos looking like uncle at the supermarket. =o

So much stuff. Are they preparing for cows?
The cost was like.. $50.45. Lols. BBQ food was already booked and would be delivered to us. =o
The 4 of us reached East Coast Park earlier than planned and we're bored. Until we remembered that Agnes can't cycle. So we decided to be kind people and teach Agnes how to cycle. =D

Kairos and Shobana, with agnes on the bicycle.

Trying to pose for the camera ah? Haha.
Fortunately, after lots of whining and holding and running around, Agnes got a hold of it and could cycle. Yay ! Although she did have lots of crashes and falls here and there. But she survived. Haha ! Thank us okay Cacat!
Kairos, Bana, Betilda and me decided to cycle. We cycled to Bedok Jetty and so many people fishing there. The sunset is very pretty too. I didn't take any pictures. Too tired from cycling.
When we went back. It's almost time to eat and most of the peeps are there already !

Time to ea

Barbeque Barbeque Barbeque~(Does dennis look like satay man? =P)

Look at Kairos and Bana.. Waiting for food only ! Haha !

Eh.. Opps. Crystal ! Why you take picture of me eating. Take when I'm working lah !

What's up yo ! (Grace INSISTED we MUST do this. >_>.)

PST'08 ! (The cohort is 70+. This is not everybody. lols)

Part 2 !
Everybody was eating and chatting happily. But something was coming up after dinner though.
Agnes: "Eh. I got to go at 10pm. It's only 9.15pm though."
Lols. This was the cue for mission codenamed "Aim Agnes" LOL!

Wow. Shobana's fully armed.

Kairos with his behind the back sneak attack. Lols.

The war is won ! Haha !! Poor Agnes. Lucky you brought something to change into.

Shobana ! We
WERE commades ! Not anymore when you threw that bomb at me !

Eh? Out of ammo ah? Game Over.
Hahas. So as you all can see. Kairos decided to make Agnes drenched before she goes home that day. So, mission accomplished. Lols.
We dried ourselves after that and continue to eat again. Most people started to go back already.
We were still there until 11 and we decided to take the cab home. Just in case as when we reach the bus stop, the last bus is gone. Then we would be goners. Haha.
Yeah. It was fun. At least I had fun. So. Thanks for all the organizers for the BBQ party. Remember to invite me for BBQs alright people? =)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Fear.. 11:38 AM
Start of a new week. And yeah. Monday Blues. Why? I don't know. Maybe the day? Maybe the atmosphere? ???
Had a nightmare last night.. It was the same one that I had before. Scary.
I was just walking along a path with all my family and friends. Talking, chatting, laughing like always. But gradually, the noise from the group got softer and softer. The number of people around me were getting lesser and lesser. It's like they just left me. Before I can decide on what to do, everybody is already gone. I am left alone in the dark, lonely path. I tried running down the path, looking for any familiar faces. But to no avail. Suddenly, I would start falling.. falling.. falling and when i hit the bottom, I would wake up.
What actually causes fear? Why is there fear in the world? Enlighten me? Is it true that everybody in the world would have fear in them?
If yes, then mine is probably fear of being left alone? Being lonely is sure gonna kill me.
What yours?
Just came back from central. And wow, thanks to my parents for giving me such a child-lookalike face, I actually got mistaken as the youngest child at home by like 99.5% of my parent's friends. Today for example, 2 people already. Just at central. "Eh? Your son no school ah?" "No ah. Holiday." "Oh, he sec 4 finish O level ah?" "No. He's already gonna be year 3 in Poly in April already." " OH! He's your eldest son ah? I thought he's your youngest. Haha." "zzzz." How can they even make that mistake. I'm like 19 this year, and my brother is like only 11 this year. How to make such mistake sia. 8 years difference leh. Do I really look that young? Or look so much like my brother? But people say my brother look more handsome leh. o.o?
Ahhh. Wth.
Gonna meet Kairos, Shobana and Agnes at Bedok interchange. Prepare stuff for the bbq later. Suppose to meet at 1. So I'm going off or I'll be late for sure and Shobana warned me about being late. (She knows me too well. Zzz)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Unlucky day. 12:49 PM
5th April is definitely an UNLUCKY day for XJ.
Woke up in the morning, couldn't get back to sleep again. Maybe is due to my brother turning the volume of the TV so loud. I cannot find my phone the first thing in the morning already. After hunting for it around the room, I found it below my pillow (How it got there? I have no idea.) Despite looking so hard for it, it was out of batt.
Hence, I had to rely on my next source of entertainment. PSP. So suay !! It is also battery-less. >_>. Arghhhh. *&#^$&^%#%.
Oh well. I didn't have a choice so i decided to go back to sleep again. Tried so many ways of making myself fall asleep. Counting sheep, doing nothing, roll around on the bed, I even tried to remember the crazy drugs names to get myself sleepy. Lucky for once, all these paid off and I went back to dreamland...
Or not.
Before I know it, my room was filled with...... my mom's voice. "EH !! Wake up already lah ! What time already!? We're going out to eat soon ! Oi! oi! OI!!!"
"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm awake already. How can anybody continue sleeping after you screaming at them. You probably woke up the neighbours also le. >_>!"
Great. Now even my computer is going against me. It just died on me because I forgot to turn on the plug. Luckily, draft gets autosaved or I'm probably gonna be too lazy to blog already.
You see. What a lousy morning. Totally ridiculous. Tsk. Forget it.
Went to visit my great-grandmother yesterday and friday. As with what my parents said.. Her condition is very bad. The fall is so bad that she has 10+ sitches on her head. The nurses have to tie her hands by the bed to prevent her from going to scratch the part to prevent infection. Makes me very sad to see that. I can do nothing but to hope that she gets well soon.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bored? Yeah, totally.. 9:31 AM
Hey guess wad. I'm blogging again! Lol. It's the third day that the blog is created and I had a post for everyday. Probably because I'm too darn bored already. I think i may just go crazy if I've got nothing to do.
Well, somebody great once said, "A blog post a day, keeps insanity away." (Guess who said it)
So yeah. I'm here to keep insanity away.
Fortunately, I'm gonna go out later, meeting sherman and ys at whitesands. SO, I will not be stuck at home for the third consecutive day. Yay !
Anyway, I'm currently feeling damn irritated due to the sleep debt that I owe myself. I need 15 hours of sleep a day and I'm only getting like 5 this few weeks. Yes, I know it's the school holidays and I can sleep for I-have-no-idea-how-long BUT I just can't get to sleep at night. I'll get on to bed by 10+ and only fall asleep by 2-3am then waking up at 8 (then cannot get back to sleep. zzz) Stress? Angry? Thinking about somebody? I don't know. I just can't get to sleep.
Maybe I should take other's advice and take sleeping pills. But unhealthy leh. I don't like the idea of taking medication just to sleep.
I came to realise that it's April already and April would be a damn busy month for me. Lemme take a look at my schedule. Lol.
6th April: BBQ with Kairos,Shobana and the PST gang =o
8th April: Bryan is coming back from his training camp at Taiwan
April 10th-12th: Bryan's 21st birthday chalet (Sian, need spend money. =P)
April 15th-16th: Helpout at Year 1 orientation overnight camp (Can see pretty girls. *Grins*)
April 20th: Start of school as Year 3 (Senior =O YS still Junior =P)
So yeah, It's gonna be quite crazy for me in the month of April. Can't complain, at least I have something to do rather than just being stuck at home. =/
On a side note, I passed my supp paper. So i CLEARED BPHARM. No more diuretics, Parkinson's Disease and all!! =D
Oh yes, if you want to be linked, leave a tag alright. Haha.
Right. Going off nao. See you people around and round. Lols.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sick.. 1:44 PM
I'm still... sick.. Haiizz.
This is ridiculous. My rhinorrhea (runny nose) and sore throat is getting nowhere better..
Makes it so difficult to breathe at night when I'm trying to sleep. I seriously need some loratadine (antihistamine). Hahas! Okay enough with the scientific freak side..
What I am experiencing is nothing compared to what others are having.
My great-grandmother is hospitalized. According to my parents, she fell down due to her slippers being too slippery while exiting from the lift. My parents went to visit her at the hospital yesterday and they said that her condition is very bad. She's cannot talk to us and she's showing signs of memory loss.. The doctors cannot do surgery on her as she's of an old age (84). This saddens me a lot as my great-grandmother is always very cheerful whenever I visit her and this had to happen.. We don't even know if we still will see her next year anot..
All these made me think. Is life so fragile? My great-grandmother was just fine the other day and 1 fall made everything disappear. I miss the times where she would talk to me in english, asking how I have been, what i have been doing and such. I don't know. I really don't know.
Oh yes. Just nao was totally ridiculous. This shop auntie is uber attitude. Below is the exact senario of what happened at the shop earlier.
XJ's mom: *Looked at the bread and pick 1 up.* Says: Erm, excuse me, what is spreaded
in between the bread? (As in Kaya, butter, cream etc.)
Shop auntie: *Without looking* Says: Bread.
XJ: Eh? wth?? Auntie you sure anot, bread inside spread bread ah? Your shop baker all so damn
pro ah. I want to learn leh.
Shop auntie: -.- Inside put cream.
XJ's mom: *Puts back the bread and leaves the shop.*
LOL? Wth right? Bread inside spread bread? Smart sia. Attitude shop people always says some of the stupidiest things.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
First post.. 11:53 AM
First Post.
Alright. Yeah Yeah, I finally created a blog.
This is due to the overwhelming boredom that I'm experiencing from the holidays. Ironic isn't it? How i was complaining over everything about school, projects, assignments, exams and all. I may regret saying this, I kinda miss school.
What should I post about.. Maybe about yesterday??
Tuesday: Yesterday woke up early because I couldn't sleep after waking up at 8.30am despite only falling asleep at 3am (insomnia sucks). So just lie on the bed and daydream.. Until I realised that there is an invention called the computer.
Went to meet sherman, yesiang and gang before going to kbox ! Was feeling abit emo-ish in the morning (Due to some reasons obviously.) but the session took me off it for awhile. Sing and sing until 9pm O_O (Started at 2pm, so 7hours kbox. wth). Peter treated us to pastemania!! Thanks Pete !! Saved me money for dinner. HAHAHAHA.
Wednesday: Okay. This morning, I woke up in a start. Because I fell off my bed and landed on my head. zzz. I have a bump on my head nao. Tsktsk. I realised that I have sore throat also, too much singing maybe?
Was asking Sherman to teach me about making the blog and it totally killed my&his morning already.. Hahaha. Thanks Sherman !
My neighbour's alarm system suddenly rang when I was typing this post and it was wth noisy like don't know wad lah ! @_@
Alright, I'm hungry and going out to eat. So going off for nao ! Hope to see tags ah.
And BTW, Happy April Fool's Day People ! Don't get tricked too much alright? =P
*Random-ness note*: I cut my nails yesterday because sebastian wanted to ask me go play basketball. But apparently I cut them too short and nao, I have difficulties trying to use my phone's touchscreen cause not precise enough?!?!? AHHHH WTH?! >_>!