Tuesday, June 30, 2009
work out.. 10:38 PM
Yesterday was a long school day like always.. I finished at 7pm and it was raining.
Fortunately, dad came and pick me up after school!! Although I did wait for half an hour, but I didn't need to be drenched in rain nor fight the go-home crowd on the buses at that time.
I fell asleep during BPT lecture. Oh well, who doesn't. It's sooooooo dry, the lessons. Esp when it reaches the calculations. Urgh..
Today is only half a day, seeing that I end school at 2pm. After that, went Tampines stadium to play badminton! Been like. 6-7 years (last played in primary 6) since I last played badminton.
So many people went. Me, Kairos, Shobana, Boon Pin, Saiffudin, Betilda, Sujun, Meihui, Zul, Jun You, Hafiz came and join us after awhile!! Luckily we booked 2 courts, or else not enough for all of us. Hahaha!
It was fun! I enjoyed myself a lot. At least it made me forget about the painful things I am going through now for 2 hours. The after effects are showing now though. My arms and legs are aching. Ow.. Nevermind, I didn't regret going. We should do this more often guys! Some other sport next time.
I'll start school at 1pm tomorrow. Doing my BPT report now. It is dued tomorrow. I am pretty much suffering from it. Actually was quite focused but as you can see, I side-tracked. Lol.
Concentration span: Unbelievable short. Haha.
I met a pretty girl on the bus today! I realized that it is so unfair. There are so many pretty girls in business school!! Urghhh. I think I went to the wrong school. Not saying my school don't have. But Business school like easier to find cause got more luh.
Yay. I can sleep late on Thursday because I have no school! Hooray!! But Friday is torturous. 6 hours lab.. T_T
Sunday, June 28, 2009
end of june.. 10:34 PM
Time to update the blog. Lol. It is Sunday already!!
On the 25th June, the reigning king of pop Michael Jackson passed away. According to reports, he died due to cardiac arrest.
As a kid, it is quite impossible to not know who is Michael Jackson. In fact, he's my favorite singer when I was young. How can anybody not be impressed by his movement-defying dance moves, like spinning then stand on his toes immediately and his signature move moonwalk? I must say that I was pretty shocked when I was told the news of him being dead. It was a sad moment in 2009 when Michael Jackson passed away. In addition, it was just 3 weeks before he starts his string of 50 comeback concert tours around the world. The only regret that I probably have is not seeing his performance live. Oh well, since it is a fact already, RIP Michael Jackson.
Coming back to my life,
Friday (26th): My Fridays are no longer free. I got 6 hours of lab every Friday from now on! That is totally crazy luh! Some more is for the same subject!! Miss Shahedah also asked me to cut hair, or else I am not complying to GLP (Good Laboratory Practices). But my hair isn't THAT long. Nevermind, I was having plans of cutting hair too. Hahaha.
This day is also Shannon's birthday, so Happy Birthday Shannon! Hope you enjoyed the day!
After school meet YS to pass Shannon's birthday present to her at Ehub. Went to White Sands, and went back to Ehub after that. Lol, bored ain't we. I was also proven right by my own theory (I know you will be laughing after seeing this YS. -.-) What happened after that, shall be remained as a secret =x
Saturday (27th): Woke up early in the morning to go swimming. I have to work out and train hard now. My NAPHA test is on the 2nd of September. If I don't get a Silver at least, I'll need to go into army 3 months earlier!! Nooo!!!
Went to catch Transformers in the evening. It was fantastic except for one thing. IT IS SO DAMN LONG!! I want to go Toilet!!! Hahaha. Nevertheless, it is still a great movie, must watch okay? Lots of action.
Sunday (28th): Finally can sleep late, but finally woke up due to my mom nagging me to go eat lunch. Hahaha. Went out with the peeps and as usual, had lots of fun and laughter. I am back now to prepare for school tomorrow as it would be a tough week like always..
Tomorrow many people I know are starting school, so I hereby wish you all good luck in the new semester!! Those who have exams, a even BIGGER GOOD LUCK FOR YOU!! Haha.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Lesson Learnt.. 8:00 PM
Life is not fair isn't it? That is what people always say. Unfortunately, they are right. I just hate it when people are right!!
Back last time where I had a straightforward nature, speaking my mind, saying anything and everything openly, people didn't like me. Due to my attitude, people tend to stay away from me to prevent getting shot by me. I had not many true friends who are willing to help me when I am in need.
I came to know that my straightforward attitude actually hurts others, despite me meaning no harm. I decided to tone down a lot, and tried to keep "hurtful" things inside me and not say them out.
I have toned down, becoming a more peace-loving person. TOO peace-loving in fact. Because I take things less seriously, people are starting to climb over my head. Trying to gang up on me? Come on people, think again. I just wanted to avoid friction. I always trying to accommodate everything and you all are getting worse and worse. Thank god that I have a very high tolerance level, or you would have died, given my temper. This has made me not in a very good mood recently. What a way god tries to perk you up eh? Through things that makes you feel worse.
However, as a blessing as disguise, I finally see who my true friends are. People who actually care and get angry when such things happen to me. I realized I have quite a number of true friends now. Thanks people! You all know who you all are, people of Wednesday. Haha.
This is the start of the first week of school and nothing has been going well. Lectures are still excruciatingly boring, and I am doing my best to listen and not fall asleep. Tomorrow is even more jialat. 6 hours of LAB!! Same Subject!! OMG. I am trying to rush the pre-lab now as well. Argh. Gross.
As a matter of fact, Primary/Secondary/JCs are all starting school next week already. June holidays are over and now they have to look forward to September holidays now. Good luck people!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
school.. 10:03 PM
I did not blog recently due to my pretty obvious laziness and I was unable to access blogger when I left like blogging. Maybe blogger doesn't want me to blog?
School reopened already. Unlike people from primary/secondary/not sure about JC, we do not have the extra 1-2 weeks "extension" for our holidays. Probably due to the fact that we are not under MOE. But I feel that Poly students should also have extension as well. Since MOE-schools are advised to extend the holidays to give the incubation period of the influenza virus to reduce the chance of H1N1 spreading due to students coming back from the affected countries, I believe it should also be the case for Polytechnic students.
I am saying this not that I want the holidays badly (c'mon, I don't want to graduate 2 weeks later), but for the same reason. Primary and Secondary schools usually have a population of 1000-2000 and around 100 staff? On our side, if I remembered correctly, our staff alone is almost the same size as the student population of Primary and Secondary schools. Not to mention that our student population stands over 15000. If the virus were to spread, wouldn't it spread faster and easier in Polytechnics as compared else where? So I don't know why we don't have the 1-2weeks extension.
Anyway, first day of school. Obviously glad that I get to see my friends and they're all doing fine. Like always, the group is hyped up and taking every little chance to laugh at Meihui for the crazy things that she does. Haha.
On the other hand, BMT students start their SIP(attachment) today. People like Sherman and Kenneth are posted to K.K Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital respectively. I believe Sherman had a fantastic first day at work today because he said that there were 2 pretty girls who are ex-TP students helping him with his work today! Kenneth, being the only person in the cohort to be posted to virology in TTS to work with virus would probably have a hard time though.
With the BMT students at attachment, I realized that the year 3 PST students are officially ruling ASc now. There is BIO, but we seldom see their around also. Lol. Actually, it is still the same except that we won't see BMT students.
A special guest came to school today! Jasmin!! She came to school to find the PCD gang. I was included also, not in the PCD gang but Jasmin had something for me. Apparently she went to Penang and bought stuff for us! Thanks for the gift Jasmin!! I am touched that I am still remembered. Hahaha.
Now that school has started, I think that it is time to work hard. I probably would have less time to blog, but I'll still do my best to find time to blog. Hopefully the blog would be more alive and less dead. Haha.
Friday, June 19, 2009
standing again.. 12:19 AM
Went to school today (18th June, Thurs), for something I have been mentioning since don't know how many posts ago (If you don't know what I am referring to, read a few posts before this or just ask me.)
Stayed in school unusually long today, starting at 10am and only leaving to go home at 5pm or so. Where do I find so much determination to do so? Probably trying to bury myself in work. Finally, after this few days, signs of progressing with the project is showing up.
Been falling asleep frequently on the way to school on the bus, not to mention missing the stops. I actually missed like 7-8 stops away from where I am supposed to alight. Fascinating, isn't it? I feel so tired despite it being holidays now. I can fall asleep almost anywhere, anytime, but just not my bed at night. What a weird sleeping habit I have.
I am damn pissed with some people recently, with their stupid phucked-up attitude. You today not happy? My problem ah? Need to show it in my face? I wasn't the one who offended you okay. I am a human, not a sandbag for you to let off steam just because something happened to you or whatever. I don't care. If you're pissed, and don't want to be disturbed then just tell me to leave you alone. I am sure that if you said it in English, I would be able to understand. I am also not in a good mood recently and I still have to put up with your nonsense? Please, if I didn't know you, I would probably had shot you with my fantastic vocabulary. Now try it for yourself man. I'll make you eat your own medicine. I don't need to state names. You know who you are.
With that out of my head, I would like to give a big thank you people who have MSN-ed, MSG-ed, tagged me and trying to console me when I am feeling my worst. Don't worry about me, I'll do my best to get back to myself ASAP.. I don't really like my current self actually.
I am quite impressed by the rubik's cube recently. According to websites, the rubik's cube has exactly 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 permutations, which is approximately forty-three quintillion. I was like whoa? I was having some problems solving it, but luckily Sherman knows how to solve it. After nagging at him to repeat the formulas like around 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 times, I finally got the hang of it. Haha. But I think I look like a study geek if I play it too often. I should take breaks sometimes.
School is starting. And I am totally not looking forward to it. I still haven't cleared my sleep debt yet.
Tag replies:
-Lester: Eh. Please be less vulgar/violent can anot. -.-
-sherman: I am gonna ignore them already. They got what they deserve, trying to make a fool out of me.
-RYL: Hahaha. Thanks princess, but probably not this time around.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
giving up? 11:30 PM
I am only 19 this year and I am already bored. Life is boring. Even the holidays. Doing the same thing over again and again for years, just for survival? Don't really see the point there.
I am tired. Very tired. Unless a meteorite hits my head and let me find the point. I think I am better off sleeping forever. I just hate the feeling of waking up in the morning, I need to sleep more.
Sleeping early is not going to work for me. Insomnia is not helping me with sleeping early to not being tired. It is getting worse recently. I can go on my bed at like 11pm and only fall asleep at 1.30 or 2am. I don't even know how I actually pass the time like this. I don't know what is causing it either. Lol, call myself a biomedical science student.
Talking about being a science student, are science students really that cocky? Do they all think that they are just so smart that everybody else is nothing? Something happened in school recently that made me think about this.
I was at the business school canteen, having my long-awaited lunch. While eating, there was these bunch of "science" students sitting beside my table. They were making quite a bit of noise, to the extend of it being irritating. I KINDLY asked them to quieten down so that they won't cause a nuisance to the other people and me. They gave me the cocky face and addressed me "A lame business school" student. The point was not that, but it was the cocky face that pissed me off. They thought they were super smart, being science students and start calling me with microorganism names (How childish can kids get nowadays?). One even tried to act smart, calling me "Pseudo Aerunosa". Pissed, I said it in his face : "I am pretty sure that Dr Alex Lee said it was
"Pseudomonas Aeruginosa" when he taught me 2 years ago as a year 1 student." With that, the people around started laughing at the lame name of "Pseudo Aerunosa". Tsk. This would teach people not to judge people by looks and never be a damn showoff. I know I look like a year 1 but come on, when I was walking they weren't even borned. Zzz.
Been the same this few days. Going to school in the morning for GMP project, which is getting on my nerves. It is so difficult, and it has the lowest weightage out of all my subjects this semester.
The most I can look forward to for this week would be catching Monsters Vs Aliens with Sherman and the rest of the people this Friday night. Hope we get good seats. Apart from that. Nothing much is really happening for the last week of my school holidays. Maybe I can start wishing that something fun or entertains me happen within these few days? Just for me to enjoy the last of my not-so-fun holidays.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
confused.. 9:32 PM
I am confused. I don't know what to do. Due to this, I am suffering. I have mixed feelings about this. Will everything be the same again? What is the same again that I want? I am not sure myself. I will lose myself this way, definitely.
Unable to return to myself? That is a risk that I have to take. If it all fails... the rhapsody will come to an end.
About what? It is a secret. I am not gonna say it. Hopefully time will help me to recover.
This is the last week of my school holidays.
Which inevitably shows that the deadline of the GMP report is closing in.
Rushing now, wishing hard it will end soon.
Concentrating has never been one of my strengths and things happening around me is not helping me with it.
Always giving a happy look,
trying to bring laughter to my friends,
hiding the painfulness that is within.
Who do I turn to when I am down?
Who do I go to when I need to let out my true emotions?
Who would give me that listening ear of theirs and let me talk about my troubles?
I just want to find that somebody.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Rhapsody.. 11:42 AM
Yeah. I know I haven't been blogging these few days. I was too tired. I need to get back the sleep the I lost during last term. With the 2-3am late nights and waking up at 7 every morning, who won't be tired? But nevermind, I am here to blog now. Let's start with Thursday.
Thursday (11th June):
One of the sad days that I have to go back to school. It is for the sake of the GMP report. Since my group was quite behind time, we decided to meet earlier and more often in order to catch up. The usual happened, camped in the library for 4-5 hours trying hard to do GMP. We could not really do much since Kiki was at Malaysia and most of the values for calculations were with her. It is alright, we'll just have to work faster and harder next week when we meet again.
Friday (12th June):
Happy Birthday Dad!!
Happy Birthday Rachael!!
12th June is Dad's Birthday! How old is he? I am not very sure (Hahaha, what a son right). I think he is.. 46 now? This day is also the day Rachael celebrated her 20th birthday. Although it is not on the exact day itself, there were still quite a number of people who turned up, including me. We had lots of fun and laughter, not to say the food that we ate were very nice too. I kinda feel guilty that I didn't celebrate Dad's birthday on the day itself. D:
Saturday (13th June):
Talking about this makes me piss off. What the phuck is this. YOU WERE THE ONE THAT ASKED ME TO CALL WHEN I AM GOING HOME, AND YOU SCREAM AT ME IN THE PHONE WANTING TO KNOW WHAT I CALLED FOR? You ask me whether I wanted to have dinner with my friends, or with you all. I know you are gonna give the screwed up attitude if I said I am going to eat with my friends so I let you decide. After trying to be nice, what do I get in return? Your nonsensical screaming again, asking me to decide. I tell you I am going to eat with my friends, you show me the fucked-up attitude and hang up on me. What is this. Don't I have freedom? I am 18. Not 8. I am in Poly year 3. Not Primary 3. You asked me what I wanted, When I decide, you find it not going your way and you scream and shout, scream and shout. Are you an animal? Wild beast? I don't know anymore. Ask yourself, dumb.
Sunday (14th June):
Got woken up by a call from the animal at 11. Asking me to wake up to cook maggie noodles for my little brother who needs to go for tuition at 12noon. Reluctantly, I woke up, and cooked for my brother. And now I am here, blogging. It is raining quite heavily now. I don't know if I should to go out today. I shall see how..
Okay. As I promised. I shall post the pictures of the Zoo trip on Wednesday. I am only going to post some, because if I posted everything, it will be like.. 1000 photos or so I think.

There are still more. Maybe I'll post them again. See how. Hahaha.
Tag replies:
-Lester: Lol. You damn kid. Come to my blog and tell me that, you're giving me a damn tag?!?! Hahahaha.
-RYL: Oh well. Too bad. She's busy. No choice ah =P
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Zoo trip.. 10:55 PM
Woots! Today is the long awaited trip to the Singapore Zoo with the PST people!!
Woke up early in the morning, and met Meihui at Pasir Ris MRT station at 8am to take MRT to AMK because we are supposed to meet everybody at 9.15 there. We reached a little earlier than expected despite the fact that Meihui was late. Hahaha.
Shobana reached there even earlier and we met Boon Pin on the way to meet Shobana. We went the NTUC fairprice in the basement to stock up because we know that the prices of food and drinks in the Zoo are a rip-off. While shopping, Kairos, Rachael, Glenn and Sujun came and meet us when they reached too. After a long long debate over what to get and what not to get, we met up with Saifuddin and Betilda and took 138 to the Zoo!! The bus ride was nothing much because I kinda dozed off on it =P.
Saw Yanie, Ruibing and Zoe at the entrance to the zoo and we're off!!
Like always, lots of funny funny things happened during the trip and since it was damn long, I shall let pictures do the talking for me. But I'll only upload them after I get them from Shobana or whoever is sending it to me. I'll do it ASAP, I promise. But the point being, I enjoyed the trip a lot and had lots of fun!! =D
Tomorrow is project meeting for GMP in school. No matter how much I don't like it, I still have to go do it because need to hand in the stupid 40 page report that I was whining about on the first day when school reopens. Urghhh. Disgusting.
Friday is Eeeeeee's (Rachael's) Birthday party!! We're sure gonna have lots of of fun again!! =D
Tag replies:
-RYL: Lol. Where is my GF? I don't know. I think I lost her somewhere in her school... Hahaha.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Happy Birthday! 1:39 PM
Hey all. Have been busy these few days due to the preparation of term tests so I don't have the time to blog these few days. I still have 1 last paper tomorrow (GMP) in the morning.
That aside, yesterday was a really long day for me.
First of all, It is my niece's one year old birthday yesterday! In addition, it was also the house warming of my auntie's new house. So both events are held together. I shall touch more on that later.
Friday night, couldn't sleep for some reason. Kept on rolling around and still couldn't sleep. Finally fell asleep at about 3am. Was woken up by my dad at 0630. Met Sherman, YS and the rest to go swimming again. Lol. Not swimming for a week really has it's drawbacks. Out of practice, got tired just swimming a lap.
Left JJ earlier yesterday because my dad came to fetch me home to get ready to go third aunt's house. The first reaction I got after looking at her house was.. AhMahGawdd. It is really scary. it has a swimming pool, it is 3 stories high. And there are like. 5-6 Plasma TV's everywhere (1 in each room). My best bud cousin, KKY, even had a karaoke system in his OWN ROOM!?! Ah?? In addition to that, at the top level, there was a room, just for singing. The Karaoke system is one thing, the HUGE plasma TV was another, BUT, there is even A POOL TABLE IN THE DAMN ROOM! HOW WTP IS THAT?! Zzz. Crazy. Pool table at home, in a Karaoke room.
Maybe you all won't understand what I am talking about now. I shall upload some pictures that I took when I am free.
Met many of my cousins and relatives and they were talking about how I changed. Lol? Did I change that much? The longest the never see me is at most. 4 months? Since they saw me during CNY. Nevertheless, the question still comes. "Eh? Where is your girlfriend?"
Everytime, without fail. This question always gets popped up of nowhere whenever I see my relatives. Answer I would give? "Aiya, where got girlfriend? Wait for you to introduce only!" LOL. En ni Jie Jie even funnier. "You don't have meh? That that one that that.. (something funny, if you want to know, ask me on MSN. Hahaha)"
Seriously, all my nephews and nieces are really adorrrrrrrrable. It's hard to explain. Just get the point that they're adorrrrrrrrrrable. I spent like 6hrs at third aunt's new house. Only left at 2.30am. When I reach home and finally can get to sleep. It was 3.30 already. Hahaha.
Got woken up at 12 today. To have lunch. Should be going out later, despite having tests tomorrow. Don't worry! I have revised last week!
Tag reply:
-RYL: Hahaha. Can't blame you, that's a fact. Lol.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Exhausted.. 10:36 PM
I am totally exhausted. I have been having late nights and waking up early due to school. I can feel the cells and my muscles going crazy in my body and my eyelids looking for every moment it can to close and make me drift off to sleep.
But I simply can't. Due to the unfortunate fact that I have to study for term test.
Basically what is sustaining me now is the thought of holidays the following week. But my holidays ain't really much for me to look forward to. Have to rush GMP report and presentation since they're due on the first week of school reopen. Zzz. School sucks the soul out of me man. My eyes are about to close as I am typing this also.
What made it worse is, many of my friends are already having holidays. Poly some already finish their exams and I only started today. Secondary/Primary/JC are all having their holidays also. Apparently, the whole world is having their holidays already except my cohort. Haiz..
And Yes. It seems like I got a date for next Thursday. I have a date with GMP. Have project meeting in order to try and finish as much of the report/presentation slides we can so that we won't be panicking that much when the time comes.
Reporting my current situation. I've been trying hard not to look at girls! LOL! Notice I used the word "trying". Heh. Cannot fully don't look at right? That would make me gay Hahaha!! So lenient a bit okay? =P
Today's BPT Term test was a killer. The ridiculous calculation question was a freaking 16 marks. Teacher told us design of bioreactor not tested!! But it came out for this question!! The whole cohort died man!! It was crazy. Everybody was whining and complaining after the paper that we got cheated (PST students always get cheated. Don't know why.) Some students with fantastic memory were able to do but they didn't have enough time so they didn't finish. AhMahGawddd. After minus-ing the 16 marks from calculations, I predict that the highest score I can get is 34/50. Which is only 68%. That's like a C+. There goes my hope of an A for BPT.. =(
Leaving that aside, tomorrow's PMT! Hope there is still space in my brain to store PMT stuff! Is there a way to activate like the other 95% of my brain that is not used now so that I can ace the paper tomorrow huh? C'mon any genius scientist, come out with some drug that allows that leh!! =/
Tag Replies:
-Lester: Eh. Lester, as a kid, can you be less violent able. Lol!! Everything fight fight fight only. Hahaha!
-ongruibing: Don't worry lah. I most probably will go since so many people going. Eh! I cannot look at chiobu already! Later kena scolding. Hahahaha!
-RYL: Lol. The performance was a sucesss! You didn't screw up what! Hahaha! You worry too much sometimes. Hahahaha! Relax!! XD
-sherman: Whoaa. Sherman. You write speech ah. Hahaha! And yeah yeah. You and your fantastic theories. Although I kinda agree with them =P. Regarding stepping many boats, I can swim! LOL!!!! JKJK!
Monday, June 1, 2009
=o.. 11:24 PM
Aiyoooo. I really want my holidays now. Holidays are so cool. I can't believe that I actually missed school during my last holiday. That is retarded of me. Hahaha.
How can I even miss school? I rather bore myself to death now than commit suicide through studying now. At least bore to death is by doing nothing, more relaxed. Lol.
Although I'm still in this week, Plans for next week are already in place. There is GMP paper on Monday, but after that I am gonna go out to celebrate! Where? No idea. Hahaha.
Tuesday is probably gonna be a free day for me, since nothing much to do but a good friend of mine is coming back from Dalian on this day! His name is Travis Lim and maybe some of the PRCS students reading my blog would know him. Yeah, top O level express student of my batch(2006). He went there to study I think, his poly sent him there. Lol. Where is my chance?
Wednesday will be outing with the PST people. The PCD gang wanted to go to the Zoo. Hmmm. Been awhile since I went there, but paying to smell animal poo is like abit. Ahhhh. Nevermind, I am sure it will be very fun! Cause a lot of people going!! =D
Thursday would also be a free day. Nothing on. Who wants to date me? Tell me in advance! Hahahaha!
Friday is.. Rachael's Birthday BBQ party! Hahaha. She invited me last week. How can I not go right? Rachael leh! In addition, it is also my dad's birthday (12th June)!! Whoaaa, Confirm busy day for me le. Hahahaha.
Come to think of it, today is already June 1st already. Half a year just flew by like that. Whoa ah? Time passes so fast. And I used to think that one year is very long when I was little. 365 days to my birthday seemed so distant.. Now I am hoping for time to slow down. Hahaha.
People of the day!:
I come to realized that I stopped at year 2 and that was for the first half of year 2. So I should actually continue with the second part.
Person #13: Kairos (Pharmaceutical Science Technology)
Hoho, never would I forget him in my life man. Unless I get bang in the head and lose my memory or I suffer from Alzheimer's Disease. What to say.. He's probably the year 2.2 Version of Xiang Ying from my year 1 group. Totally random and loves to bully me although I usually prevent that from happening through preventive measures. A very determined person, Plays damnnnnnnn hard and works damnnnnnnnn hard as well. He's not scared to show people how he feels, for example who he doesn't like and all and it usually leads to hilarious moments in school/class. For some reason, he looks like a Chinese despite being Malay and often gets mistaken by people to be Chinese. He used to be annoyed that the fact but I think he's used to it already. Hahaha. He's also in the same class as me now, in semester 3.1. Nor-ma-lly, we would make jokes out of everything under the sun(This sentence is an inside joke, Hahahaha). I am glad that I made such an awesome friend man. Hahaha!!
Person #14: Shobana (Pharmaceutical Science Technology)
Zomg, the genius of the group. Our quizzes, tutorial, projects, assignments always rely on her. Without her, I think I won't even remember the deadline for project submission or when is there a quiz. She studies insanely hard and is without a doubt very smart. Just the person for me to count on for my calculation questions.. Hehehe. Alsoooo, she plays hard as well. Just like Kairos do. I think she's the only person who has come closest to keep Kairos in control and prevent him from doing crazy stunts. Hahahaha! Knowing her is a little bit scary though. Cause when you look at her lab report, you get a shock out of my puny life. My report is 15 pages and I thought it is long. Look at Shobana's and I see 30. LOL! Exaggerating? Not at all! She is also in the same class with me and Kairos now. Yay! Another amazing friend I made in my torturous year 2 life. Hahaha.
I think without the both of them above, my sem 2.2 would be very alone and I'll probably emo to death although I did make more friends later. I'll blog about them the next time. Hoho. I am sleepyy.. =/
Tag replies:
-lester: Yeah yeah Lester!! You see! They still call themselves friends somemore! HAHAHA. I get scolding from a girl for looking at girls, they should support me what! Look at what happened!! Kns right!! =P
-RYL: Hahaha, busy busy busy. Forever busyyy and blur. No worries though. I am very sure you won't screw up. You practiced so hard for it right? See what happened for your SYF. Just take it easy!! Good luck!! =)