Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Anime Fest Asia 09! 10:18 PM
Hooray. I'm totally back!! To my blog, and myself!!
Took me awhile and a huge event to finally shake me out of misery. At least I hope so! Hahah!! :DD
And the event was none other than Anime Fest Asia (AFA)'09!!
AFA was held at Suntec over the last weekeend, 21st-22nd Nov. We were actually told about the event sometime ago, but I only wanted to go to look at girls. HAHAH!!
It was my first time attending this event, and as an exhibitor for Bandai card game! Battle Spirits! Hahaaa! All I had to do is.. Teach the kids how to play the card game. I met many people, from kids to uncles to a Japanese girl who wanted to learn from me despite her knowing how to play already! Whoa. Champion. More on this later.
Was with the rest of the guys at Tampines MRT Station waiting for train and we met Bryan. Lucky right? Not! I predicted it! HAHAHAAA. We alighted at City Hall and decided to eat Macs for breakfast before walking to Suntec. When we were there, It's crazy to the max I swear. There were so many freaking people queuing up for the tickets lah! It's so bad that even us officials had a hard time going into the hall.
After getting it, it was setting up time! But before that, let's switch to pictures! =D

Wow. These are only some of the things that I took. The rest are in Facebook. Too many to upload here luh. (I need to sleep soon >_<)
Moving on to the teaching part. It was pretty fun acting as a "teacher" once in awhile. At least it feels good to be knowing that you know something that others don't know (Tongue twister, try it out. Okay that's pretty lame.) But as with all teaching jobs, there are good students and horrible ones. There are also those true genius type kids who can understand the game after one explanation and even come up with their own strategy already.. I'm super impressed. There are also those that can't really understand what I'm trying to get across and keep giving me the "huh" look. Argh. At least I'm patient. I'm a fantastic teacher okay =D.
Moving on to the coolest student I taught. This Japanese girl who looks like a guy. Hahaa. She came up to me asking me if I can teach her the card game. She spoke in English, but it had that japanese tone in it. I knew she was Japanese in a split second. When I asked her if she played any other card games before, she told me she played Battle Spirits before in Japan. Eh, yes. Battle Spirits. That's the card game I'm teaching. LOL! I asked her what she wanted to know, but she just keeps telling me. "Teach me, teach me" and points to the deck. I don't know where is her level of gameplay, so I decided to test her. I took out a second deck and decided to play with her instead of teaching. I don't know if I was the one that belittled my Japanese Student or what, But she ALMOST beat me!! I was left with 1 life! Before I was lucky enough to take all her 4 lifes left in a turn. Aaron, Coco's manager was standing beside me and laughing at me for nearly losing to a girl. "Hahaa, an instructor nearly lost to a girl." LOL. What the. The word is almost. I didn't lose okay :D. Sherman got a chance to play against her too. If I remember correctly. Sherms was also left with 1 life before winning. HAHAHA! She's really good at that game. She plays very well. Too bad she didn't play the tourney in the evening, or else I'll place my bet that she's the champion! Hahaaa.
Moving on to day 2, we went to eat Macs again. Hahaha. Sunday's turnout wasn't as good as it was on Saturday. But this meant that us instructors could take time off and walk around the festival and skive! Heh. This means. MORE PHOTOTAKING =DDD Let's move on to pictures now.

Kamen Rider - Double!! *Henshin!* Although they're kids. But hey! They're really nice people! Great to have known them! :DD

Memories from young! Digimon!! Renamon in actually fact. Erm.. Renamon is supposed to be a girl. I was shocked half dead when I actually saw Renamon in the Guys toilet. Oh... The cosplayer is a guy.. Hahaha!

Grimmjow on the left and Ichigo with his Hollow mask on the right. Never thought the 2 of them would be standing beside each other for a photo eh? Hahahaa.

Hahahaha!! This picture would probably make those who were unable to go for the event awfully sad!! They're so cute!! xDDD

Heh. Now this one is gonna make people who didn't go AND didn't take the picture with them Jealous. HAHAHAH. They're really really pretty/cute! Unbelievable! Too bad I don't know them. Who can introduce them to me? *Blush Blush* HAHAHA. =DD
Alright, I'm super tired now. I think I'm supposed to go to sleep. I still have to work tomorrow. I'll blog another day soon! When I'm not lazy. xD! And remember guys. TAG! =D
Tag replies:
-Sho: Eh ys. Don't need to draw circles luh. Use a freaking compass. Can draw perfect circle, and you can even set the freaking radius!! Awesome!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
9:52 PM
Shucks. I'm like gonna doze off everyday at work. I don't know why I'm so tired. I sleep early. But I'm still tired. This is torturous.
After a long chain of events. It is now Thursday night. This means that tomorrow would be the last working day for me of the week!! Despite that, I can't find the hype that I always have in me whenever this period of time comes. Something is missing inside me. I don't know what. Who is gonna find it back for me?
I actually got nothing much to blog about. I just came in case this place gets too cold which it actually is. Hahaa. Pretty cold.
I guess this is all for now. I'll blog again when I have something to blog about.
Why can't I just forget you.Tag Replies:
-messboi: I'm sorry to ask. But who are you?
-Dan: Hahaa. I'll welcome you with open doors if I ever open one.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Emotions. 10:29 PM
I'm so sorry for not blogging at all and making this place kinda haunted. I really don't have enough time to do this. I have other things to write, like my SIP logbook and I need to sleep.
I don't think much people read anyway, maybe apart from the few that helps to keep my tagboard lively. Thanks people, this is for you. Hahaaa.
Nothing much have been going on lately, since on weekdays I'm on attachment. I do go out on weekends though. I just go out with whoever asks me first. I think I went to watch the Michael Jackson movie with.. Sherms, ys, qw, dan, brad and jessie last Sunday. I find it quite cool, since it's like watching a "backstage" concert where all the rehearsals are done and all the tricks and cool stuff are revealed to you. I'm just sad that MJ didn't perform "Dangerous" because I think it's nice. Hahaa.
With the Yo-yo craze still going-on currently, my Dad got my little brother a new Yo-yo for a birthday present. And out of random-ness, my Dad got me one as well. Don't ask me why, I didn't ask him to get it for me. But since he already bought it, I thought I shouldn't waste his money. I should go practice it again. Hahahaa. Been 6 years since I played the old-school toy and my, it is a torture alright. I get the Yo-yo to shoot straight into my finger while doing string tricks and often it hits my face also. If I go into the hospital, I think you guys know what happen. Haha.
I lack sleep. I really can't adapt to waking up at 5.30/6am in the morning. The dark circles under my eyes are so obvious. I need concealers. Lol.
I am tired.
I don't know what's happening to me.
I thought I got over you.
I thought it is a new start for me.
But no, I was wrong.
I came to realise how sad you actually are.
I find myself so dumb for not noticing it earlier.
After knowing, many different emotions hit me.
I don't know what it is.
Time seems to past slower.
I can't hear what people are saying.
I can feel that I'm radiating heat.
I don't know how.
I became mood-less after that.
Mango asked me why I became like that all of a sudden.
I can't answer her.
You tired ah? Is all she said.
All I could do, is just nod my head.
I hate to be like this.
I wish I would forget.
I wish I could rid myself of emotions.
Then I be able to finally say "The End".
It's a Secret.
Tag Replies:
-Bradley: I think Lion is cooler. Hahaa.
-Daniel: Lol, yeah dan. I inspire to be a "Loctor".
-sherman: Lols. Are we having Singlish class here sherms?
-ron: Hahaa, I thought you crazy over Maximum Tune now?
-Liling: Yeah. I did what.
-Yani: Yes minster of.. what again. Hahaha!