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Monday, May 17, 2010
A post after likee. 1:14 AM

Yes, Finally an update after likee.. 29809182 ye.. Okay, one and a half months. Hahahaa.

I was just too darn lazy to update lah. Nothing to update also. Because I am so free after graduating from TP. Feels weird not going to school when other people are talking about school. So what should I blog about... Hmm..

Oh yeah, *Points to the side bar >>*. As you all might have noticed or some have known, there's another "Jubeat data" on the side of my blog. Yes, I did get a new card to start from the beginning. It's AXEJAYY-, because I think that XJ is too short. They gave you 8 spaces, might as well use them all. Also, XJ is already Platinum rank, which is the last rank in the game. BUT, the real reason for getting a new card is because alot of the scores in the card are not mine. It has a lousy averageeee and alot of the high high scores ain't mine. Omg, I'm so damn noob. Zzz. For Example, SigSig 971k was played by Shifu Lun which I haven't broke for like 2 years? Next, that stupid SPUDEEE. (Read it as SPADEEE.) 985k Evans. Retarded, even with 3 of my other friends helping, I don't think I can get that score lah.

So, this eventually lead to AXEJAYY-. It's alright. New beginnings, starting from 0. From highest rank in PRDC to the lowest (Until YS decided to get a new card too -.-). Although rank doesn't reflect much, but usually is people linking with me to play songs I don't have, it's the other way around nao. Zzzz.) Nevertheless, shall work slowly towards better averageee. (Slowly, because it's expensive. I don't want spend too much. =p)

And for some reason, I haven't receive my enlistment letter for army yet. I don't know why. Maybe I belong to the September intake I guess?

19th May (Wednesday) is graduation day for me and Sherms and Science school. I feel half-hearted about graduating. Half wants to leave and the other doesn't. I'm sure you guys have felt that feeling sometime during your life before. Sucks right? Graduation gown/attire is ready and IMO, it looks like the cloak that the students wear in Hogwarts (Harry Potter). Hahaha, maybe sherman can bring 2 wands and we can start dueling each other on TP grounds xD.

Having reached here, I think I should sign off and rest. So, bye guys ! And Rememberrrr TAG !!!! ;D

Tag replies:

-sherms: Hahahaha, Lazy Lazy. xD

-Dan & Chan Lun: Nyahahaa, not pro luh. Rank doesn't signifies anythinggggg. =O


Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Birthday to.... The Blog. 10:08 PM

Hmm. It's April Fool's day ! It's the day where people play pranks on one another and try to be an ass and such.

Of course, being an *ahem**ass**ahem* myself, I was doing the same. Hahahah ! First one was Mom.

XJ:" Eh Mom, School called me this morning."
Mom:" What school?"
XJ:" Temasek Poly lah, duh."
Mom:" For what?"
XJ:" They called to tell me that I did not accumulate enough Credit Units to graduate this year. So I'll have to study for another semester."
Mom:" Huh? Really ah! Omg what were you doing!"
XJ:" Well, I don't have a choice do I?"
Mom:" *Starts to nag* "
XJ:" Hahaha. Happy April Fool's Mom."
Mom:" *Turns to scolding.* "

LOL! Oops. As usual, got scolding from her for playing a prank on her. But oh well. At least the expression on her face was priceless. Hahahaha !

Several others was tricked too and each and every reply was epic and classic. So yeah. Hahah. xD

And since it's April Fool's, it marks the first birthday of this blog. Hahaha. If I remember correctly, Sherms help me with the setting up of this blog because I was so damn bored when I was having my holidays last year. I blogged regularly, until I got lazy and decided to chuck it aside. =P But hey, a year has passed and woot. I think I shall update moar often (I don't know how many times I have said this) but yeah. Hahaha. Bleh.

Alright so I'm done blogging here and remember guys, TAG !!

Tag Replies:

-Liling: Eh what, I forgot lahh. You never remind me ! Lol.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Disappear.. 8:36 PM

Okay, Cannot. Operation correcting of Biological clock was unsuccessful. Phail. I am still only sleeping at around 2-3am everyday due to unforeseen circumstances. Zzz.

Graduation ceremony is sometime in May, which probably mean I'll go into the Army earliest June. I hope. Nothing much to do doing nao and it's quite boring to be lazying around doing nothing. I really have to find something conductive to do during my "Holidays". I guess first of all is to get back enough sleep. I totally look like a panda nao with dark eye circles. They're horrible. Lol.

Hmm. I am thinking of going take driving license. But, I don't think have enough time to do that before Army. Damn. Guess that will have to wait until my Army life is settled first then. Hahah.

I really have nothing much to blog about ah. I think this would be all until next time. And remember guys, TAG!! ;D

Tag Replies:

-zoe: Hahaha, I'm still having that Problem nao leh. Sian luhhh.


Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ahead 11:30 PM

Hahah, I should really come to blog moar often since I'm so bored at home really. Nothing much to do around nao seeing that a lot of people are still having school. If I remembered correctly, I believe I said something like "A blogpost a day keeps insanity away" pretty long ago. Like, last year April or May?

For some retarded reason, my biological clock is totally screwed up. I can't sleep early. Even if I take the initiative and get to bed early, I'll only fall asleep at around 3-4am. Yes, 3-4am. That means I'll only wake up in the late afternoon if I'm not disturbed. But usually mom would never let me sleep peacefully. She'll drag me out of the bed by around 10+/11am to go out and eat breakfast/lunch if I'm not going out. *Can't she just buy something back for me? D:*

Talking about retarded, as I look behind me while blogging, I see my retarded brother sleeping in a retarded pose and probably dreaming about retarded stuff. He's recently hooked on playing the recorder which totally irritates the soul out of me because he always plays the same tune!!! (@*$&%^()@^. I should be thankful when it's quiet (Because he's sleeping).

Okay, I feel like adjusting my biological clock back. I shall attempt to make myself sleep earlier tonight. Pray it works. Hahah. Goodnight people and remember, TAG!! xD

Tag Replies:

-sherman: Lols, call this *busy- *coughLAZYcough* ness. Hahaha !


Saturday, February 27, 2010
Back at last. 12:20 AM

It's amazing how stuck-up a person can be. I guess I haven't been going out and seeing the world enough.

Yeah. Poly is over. After 3/4 years of lectures, tutorials, projects and presentation, everything is finally over. What is left nao is to pray I pass MP. (I don't have much confidence if you ask me. =/)

Chinese New Year was the usual, visiting and looking at people gamble. I don't gamble, because I totally don't have luck when it comes to gambling. I will lose. Bleh. But come to think of it, this year's CNY is special because it is the first that I didn't have to worry about anything regarding school. *Year 1: Communication Skill Presentation/Exams and Year 2: Term Test and Exams*. This year, since my presentation was the Thursday before CNY, I get to celebrate CNY peacefully!

Without a doubt, CNY also means "Q&A" session. All the questions will definitely be asked. For example, "Holidays nao ah?" "Got girlfriend anot?" "When are you going to bring your girlfriend to see us?" "When are you going Army?" I don't want to count how many years I have been answering these questions. Lol. For pictures, go to my facebook account. I don't want to upload here, too troublesome.

18th Feb was Ah long's Birthday. So Happy Birthday Ah long ;D. He had a chalet and I stayed over. Hahaha. Had fun there, although sleeping there was. Argh.

Yesterday was XP's Birthday. So Happy Birthday XiaoPang ;D. Hahah. He didn't have a chalet but he had a very over-powered bashing. (I wasn't part of it. I was there to make sure he didn't dai. =/).

This ought to conclude my once in a while post. I'll blog again once I have the time. So for nao, Cyaa ;DD. And Remember, TAG!!! ;D


Sunday, February 7, 2010
12:42 AM

Okay Okay, Yeah Yeah. *Insert usual nonsense about how I'm too busy to blog and all*. Lol. Actually it's not nonsense this time around. Major Project deadline was like 3rd Feb, really had to work hard.

Since I'm on the topic on MP, I'll talk about it first. It is retarded. Super time-consuming. Stayed up late through the night just to work on it. I'm still working at like 5am in the morning. Mom woke up at 5.30am, came into my room and went "Eh?! What the. You're still awake?" *In Chinese though*.

Yeah, plain stupid. But hey, at least it's over. I do have a poster to make and use it for presentation, but that's gonna be the final thing I'll have to do for Poly, I hope.

SOY was at Ngee Ann Poly last Saturday, went there with PRDC. Although the place was small, but I had fun with everybody there. Hahah. I didn't take pictures, so to see them go to facebook and find Sherman's or Daniel's account. I think they did tag me a few though.

Went to Sentosa today!! Omg, I was supposed to meet Qingwen and Daniel at 9am, but I kinda woke up at 9.30am. Heh. Oh well. Reached Tampines mac to meet the rest of the gang and eat breakfast before setting off for Sentosa. All I can say is, it is super crowded and scorching hot. Most of them got sunburnt pretty bad. I just hid myself under the shade whenever I got the chance to, guess I wasn't as bad =/.

Played soccer on the sand and got cut by something/someone. I don't know. But it wasn't painful until I went to bathe. It stings. Owww. Went back to Tampines and eat after that and played Jubeat after that. *Some unknown force of nature just drags me to the arcade. LOLOL* After that was straight bus home from Tampines Interchange and blogging here.

But before I continue, I really think I should go to sleep. I have eyebags that are so dark that even if you used a black marker to draw beside it, you won't see the color difference. Zzz. So off I got and remember people. Tag !!

Tag Replies:

-Eric: Lol, I don't want to go frontline. Crazy sia.

-yani: I'm not an emo **** luh. Zzz (@&*$%^

-John: Booooooo, John sucks !!! xD. Fit my head luh, I don't even know it myself. I should be PES E. -.-

-liyanna: Eh sister !! Sorry lahhhh, Changed already and I'm not !! *humph*

-Messboi: LOL Kaiwen! I thought after my internship finish you would forget about me forever and ever already !! But here you are ! Hahah, I don't want commando lah. Retarded. And I haven't add you on MSN. Hahahah *Win*.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Karma? Yes I believe. 10:13 PM

I'm taking time off my stupid SIP report to blog nao. Because I really haven't got the mood to do it recently. But since I am already here, I might as well just do it. (Don't worry, I'm not taking it as a chore). I'm half-doing my report and half-blogging here.

If you had bothered to ask me or be concerned about me, you should have already known that last week was my last week of internship. 22nd was the last day, so Mango and I went around looking for stuff to get for the department people. We went on the 19th, after work. We got them all chocolates and sweets, since we couldn't decide what to get and we didn't know what they like. So something to eat should be alright I guess. We also gave them all a card each, giving our thanks to them for everything they have taught us.

5 months actually just went like that. It's almost half a year and in a blink of an eye, it's over already. I've seen Farah leaving, Siyu next, Azhar and Esther after that. Nao it's our turn to leave the company. I didn't really feel the sadness of leaving until it hit me after lunch on Friday. The morning was fine, it's like normal with everybody busy with their work and us with ours. Time seemed to also pass faster as I only remembered working and it was lunchtime.

We had to go to HR department to hand in the employee leaving form by 4pm, so it means we have to start preparing and asking our supervisors to sign by 3.30pm. Ouch. That really gave the punch to make me realize that I'm not gonna be here anymoar. I was sad!! Very sad!!

My supervisor asked me a few days before we left: "So what are the things you like and dislike about working here?" I gave my honest answer, about how the people around me are really nais. They always teach me whatever I don't know, take time to repeat again when I don't understand, forgive all my mistakes. Regarding dislikes, I only hate waking up so early in the morning. Because my house is so damn far.

After lunch, was present giving time. gave everybody our presents and went to get the leaving form signed and completed. By the time we got back to our desk, it was already 4.40pm. We took pictures, but I don't have it. I'll post it when Mango uploads on facebook and I kope them. And since I'm on this topic, I want to say THANK YOU again to ALL THE STAFF THERE. You all really made my attachment a memorable one! Thank you!! :)

Nao damn. Major Project and all the ridiculous deadlines are closing in on us at light speed. We got knocked back to earth, reverted back to students again. *Rush Rush Rush* Gross.

I went for my CMPB checkup yesterday. For those that don't know what's that, in short it's the army checkup thingy. Omg. It's so damn long lah. 5 hours. I spent 5 hours of my day there.
What a waste of time. Did a zillion tests and a full body checkup. Took my picture for my Army IC thingy too. Omg, the guy comb my hair, look like KUKU SIA. ZZZZ. I'll NEVER let anybody see that. Thankfully, it's over. Esp the blood test. Needles = AHHH!! Oh yeah, did I mention I was PES A? WTP? I'm that fit and I didn't know it. -.- Curses !

I am sick, I have flu. Been a week or 2 nao, I sound like some Alien from boin-boin land. Zzz, the stupid nose is giving me a hard time when I'm trying to sleep too. What the heck.

I think I am missing you too much, I mistake people as you nowadays. That totally makes me make me look like a retard. What the heck is wrong with myself. Zzz. )!*)($@%^@^(@%#%. I feel so dumb, but I just can't help it. I feel sorry for my pathetic self. Tsk.

I think I should really get back to doing my report, since it's deadline this Friday. So goodbye people, and remember. TAG!

Tag Replies:

-sherman: Are you sure what I'm referring to =/.

-Jessie: Wait for me to be free first luh. I have things to do.

-John: Hahah, what hugs. From you? Nahs. Some pretty girl can? Lol.

-meihui: I'm not lah.

-Ryan: Thanks Ryanny.


